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Andrew Gardner posted a thoughtful comment on a recent post of mine in which I talked about a member of the public asking if I would sell her a Queensberry album. He's concerned that Queensberry's aim to build their brand amongst brides might turn the albums into a commodity and encourage discounting (eg "click here for cheapest QBY albums!") His thoughts probably reflect the concerns of many photographers. He says, Obviously we can't be complacent and we should always be thinking of unique and original ways to make ourselves stand out. But I have a niggling feeling that what Queensberry thought To View More >>
Wedding Photography and the Difference Between Good and Great Wedding Photos By David Freund A couple of days ago I was involved in an online discussion about wedding photography and what makes great, soulful wedding photographs. I thought I’d share my thoughts on what takes good wedding photos and makes them great wedding photos. A couple of years back I had 5 out of 6 straight weddings at the same location, same celebrant and same reception venue. My wife asked how I was able to do different work for each couple. It’s simple. I’m taking photos of two people on their wedding day. Not the To View More >>
We're proud to announce that New Zealand’s two specialist Pro Labs are to merge. Bob and Lena Tulloch have decided it’s time to exit the lab business after twenty-seven years so they can focus on their studio and gallery in Mt Maunganui. They are delighted that the Super-Lab operation will become part of Queensberry’s lab services. Bob says, “After so many years of personal involvement in the printing business this will inevitably be a wrench, but we are personally committed to making the transition a success for Super-Lab clients. Queensberry has the same commitment as Super-Lab to quality, To View More >>
"The frankest and freest product of the human mind and heart is a love letter; the writer gets his limitless freedom of statement and expression from his sense that no stranger is going to see what he is writing." - Mark Twain. I've always thought of wedding vows as a love letter read out loud. But the way they're typically spoken, written, and expressed, is almost forced. They're an expression of love, I think, better kept for a love letter. I want my vows to be my frankest and freest thoughts and feelings. But I don't feel that limitless freedom that Twain talks about. Knowing this letter - To View More >>
As a proud parent I look at other babies and want to know if we are doing okay. (It's the first time and we have no standard to work from.) When two babies meet it is easy to overlook the needs of the other parent as you well up with pride in the achievements of your offspring. Photographers can be the same with their personal prides. Good etiquette with babies is to resist outdoing the other parent with the successes of your own child (sleeps through night ... makes own breakfast, gifted, etc). Because even though it is reassuring to acknowledge the superiority of your genealogy it has no social To View More >>
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